Okinawan Academy of Martial Arts LLC
(Ren Ryu Kan)
210 S Bridge St.
Grand Ledge Michigan 48837


This is a Private Dojo.

Mike Schroedl
3 reviews
 a year ago
A great experience with a fantastic instructor, Charlie is a highly talented martial artist who can teach at any level you are at. I’ve been in martial arts for 34 year and was amazed how much he knows and his willingness to share his knowledge. His ability to explain, demonstrate and correct everyone’s individual needs is truly a strength that will bring me back to his dojo as often as I can make the trip from Milwaukee. His students are also very accepting & great to get along with. Mike S

Perry Campbell
1 review
 2 years ago
After 42 years in the martial arts, which has included living in Okinawa in 91/92, I was spellbound. Charlie Peterson sensei's understanding and method of studying the art has opened my eyes in a way I could not have imagined. He can both convey his highly advanced knowledge and demonstrate the techniques at speed. A true inspiration.

Paul Babladelis
1 review
 2 years ago
Top notch world class martial arts instruction and practice. This is a real life protection arts system that is taught in a real world setting. Highly recommended.

T. Kent Nelson / KSK Martial Arts
I have been studying various martial arts for over 35 years, teaching and training, both in and out of the United States. And I can honestly say in all that time that I have never met another person who has the same unique perspective and approach to teaching as Kyoshi Charles Peterson. At the Okinawa Academy of Martial Arts you’ll learn far beyond the basic concepts of self defense, as they surpass the simple choreography taught in most Okinawan/Japanese karate systems, and focus on the quality of movement itself. As one who has previously trained in his group classes for 3 years, and now studies privately with him. I am confident in saying he has a special piece of the pie that I haven’t seen, from any other instructor. Kyoshi Charles Peterson & The Okinawan Academy of Martial Arts is a rare gem in a sea of rocks.


The Grand Ledge Dojo!

Dojo Owner and Instructor

Charles Peterson Kyoshi 7th Dan Oyata Shin Shu Ho Ryu

Charles Peterson is the owner and Chief instructor for the OAMA. He has been training in the martial arts for over 50 years. Mr. Peterson has trained with such notables as Shugoro Nakazato (Shorin Ryu) and Remy Presas (Modern Arnis Founder) Mr. Peterson has also , in 2004, received the greatest honor of his martial arts career. Induction into the “
Oyata Shin Shu Ho” group. This is a group of senior students that are expected to continue on with the teachings of Taika Oyata’s True Life Protection Arts.

Mr. Peterson currently resides in Lansing Michigan with his wife and two daughters, and recently retired as a Captain from the Lansing Fire Dept.

Renshi Robert Barton 6th Dan

Bob has been training in the martial arts for over 45 years. He is currently a holder of the coveted Oyata Shin Shu Ho scroll, which he received in 2011 from Taika Oyata. Also, Bob is ranked in Shorin Ryu, Ryu Te, and has also trained in Modern Arnis, under Professor Remy Presas. Bob is the assistant instructor at the dojo.

Ren Ryu Kan Dojo

Dojo Map

For directions see: